Saturday, 31 March 2012


Diabetes mellitus
Ozone therapy in the complex treatment of diabetes mellitus has proved to be particularly effective as ozone is able to affect the most important pathogenetic mechanisms of this disease.
Ozone increases penetrance of cell membranes for glucose by stimulating pentose phosphate cycle and aerobic glycolysis, which are suppressed in diabetes, and this induces a decrease in the hyperglycemia due to improvement in the release of glucose to the tissues.
The both processes in turn intensify the production of glutathione, which participates in the synthesis of glycogen and fat from glucose as well as in the synthesis of proteins. Glucose oxidation occurs including the end products. As a result, the main function of carbohydrates - energy supply - is restored. The energy deficiency of the tissues is eliminated. The way of endogenic production of glucose from glycogen and protein is inhibited i.e. the gluconeogenesis is suppressed. The breakdown of protein is decreased, and the catabolic processes are suppressed. Lipid peroxidation returns to normal. Thus, ozone performs a number of functions characteristic of insulin.
The next important point is that the activation of glucose metabolism in the erythrocytes through ozone results in the increased production of 2,3-diphosphoglycerate that loosens the hemoglobin-oxygen bond and facilitates the release of oxygen to the tissues. Since the patients with diabetes mellitus show dominance of the so-called glycolized hemoglobin with stable affinity to oxygen and the resulted tissue hypoxia defines the severity of disease, the removal of hypoxia conditions through ozone therapy plays a key role in the course of treatment.
By inducing a decrease in the hyperglycemia, an increase in the release of glucose to the tissues, by improving oxygen supply and by removing hypoxia conditions, ozone therapy prevents the development and progress of processes associated with insufficient supply of glucose to the cell: sorbitol accumulation in the tissues that leads to cataract, neuropathies, microangiopathies; formation of glucoseaminoglycanes which are responsible for arthropathies; synthesis of glycoproteins that results in the progression of angiopathies.
As a preventive and therapeutic method ozone therapy is used in elderly diabetes patients suffering from atherosclerotic disturbances of the cardiovascular system such as ischemic heart disease, discirculatory encephalopathy, occlusive arterial atherosclerosis of the lower extremities.
Ozone therapy of diabetes mellitus is primarily characterized by its immunomodulating effect. It is particularly important for insulin-dependent form of disease when owing to antigens and antibodies in autoimmune and virus-induced forms of disease the cytotoxic reaction results in the destruction of B-cells. These forms are characterized by the production of insulin-inactivating antibodies.
Insulin-independent diabetes is characterized by the suppression of immunity that increases a tendency to chronic infections (pyelonephritis), pustular lesions (furunculosis).
Recommended methods of ozone therapy:
·       Intravenous drop-by-drop infusions of ozonated saline solution;
·       Rectal ozone insufflations;
·       Minor autohaemotherapy with ozone;
·       Subcutaneous injections of ozone/oxygen gas mixtures;
·       Acupuncture therapy with ozone.
NB: Owing to the hypoglycemic effect of ozone, during the treatment it is necessary to carry out a continual control over the blood level of glucose as well as to correct the dosage of sugar-reducing preparations used.
Results of ozone therapy used in patients with diabetes mellitus

The data given in the table show that a positive effect was achieved in the treatment of both insulin-dependent and insulin-independent types of disease. It was manifested as a decrease in the hyperglycemia, a decrease in thirst, removal of polyuria, skin itch, weakness (E.E. Pavlovskaya). Most of the patients treated with ozone therapy showed a compensation of the condition that is considered the main criterion of successful treatment.
It is recommended to perform repeated courses of ozone therapy every 3-6 months, any side effects have been not observed.

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