Chronic Gastritis &
Ozone has proved to be effective in treating
chronic gastritis and gastroduodenitis associated with Helicobacter pylori
through its influence on the main pathogenetic mechanisms of these diseases:
the bactericidal action against numerous bacteria and helicobacter; the
anti-inflammatory effect through the oxidation of arachidonic acid that is a
predecessor of prostaglandin E initiating the inflammatory process; the
immunomodulating and anti-aggregating effects as well as the analgesic effect.
Recently, several variants have been developed
and clinically tested for treatment of this pathology with ozone/oxygen gas
mixtures including different combinations of available methods of ozone
therapy. For example, combination of rectal ozone insufflations, minor ozonated
autohaemotherapy, ozonated oil and water per os (S.V.Andosov, V.I.Almazov,
2000); combination of intravenous infusions of ozonated saline and ozone gas
injections into the biologically active points.
The received clinical results have been
verified through the endoscopic, histological, biochemical, immunological
investigations. On the 2nd or 3rd day of treatment it comes to elimination of
endotoxic symptoms, pain and dyspeptic syndrome; improvement of defense
properties of mucoepithelial barrier that results in an increase in the height
of surface epithelium and stimulation of the main function of mucocytes
(S.D.Karataev, V.A.Maximov, 2000). It comes to a decrease in the deficit of
secretory IgA produced by the lymphocytes and plasmatic cells of lymphoid
tissue of gastric mucous membrane. One of the most important indicators for
successful therapy is a long-term relapse-free period. In this pathology ozone
therapy has proved to be an ideal monotherapy, but when used in combination
with physical therapy it is possible to increase the efficiency of treatment
(I.P.Shmakov, 2001).
Ulcerous Disease
The many-sided action of ozone therapy in the
treatment of ulcerous disease mostly develops through its anti-inflammatory,
anti-helicobacter, regenerating and stimulating effects. Owing to its
interaction with the microflora, ozone produces a powerful bactericidal effect
and decreases resistance of the remaining microorganisms to antibiotics. Active
oxygen ensures elimination of tissue hypoxia and creates favorable conditions
for regenerative processes improving the disturbed microcirculation at the
pathological area through the spasmolytic action and normalization of the
rheology of blood. This results in acceleration of ulcer epithelization,
disappearance of mucosal infiltrate much faster than after the traditional
A decrease in the inflammation of gastric or
duodenal mucous membrane is achieved both through the systemic action via the
parenteral route of administration of ozone/oxygen gas mixture and local action
of ozonated products. An increase in the immunity through ozone therapy
considerably improves remote results of treatment and reduces a risk of disease
recidivation. Ozone therapy can be used as a monotherapy or in combination with
other therapeutic methods.
Recommended methods of ozone therapy:
· Ozonated water;
· Ozonized oil;
· Rectal ozone insufflations;
· Minor autohaemotherapy with ozone;
· Intravenous drop-by-drop infusions of ozonated saline solution;
· Acupuncture therapy with ozone.
One of the clinical investigations included 69
patients (10 with gastric ulcer and 59 with duodenal ulcer) in the period of
aggravation, who received ozone therapy as a monotherapy. The results received
in the treatment of 8 patients with gastric ulcerous disease were interpreted
as a significant improvement: complete ulcer scarring and disappearance of all
disease symptoms. In 2 cases clinical symptoms of disease were completely
removed, but ulcer healing was not complete, and the result of treatment was
evaluated as an improvement in the patient's condition.
The patients with duodenal ulcerous disease
after the course of ozone therapy showed a significant improvement in 56% of
cases, an improvement - in 39% of cases, a partial improvement with some
symptoms remained and incomplete ulcer healing - in 5% of cases. Ozone therapy
can be used both as a monotherapy and in addition to drug therapies. Its
anti-bacterial effect is particularly important. It can substitute the use of
antibiotics and metronidazol. Moreover, ulcer healing, elimination of mucosal
infiltrate, eradication of Helicobacter Pylori are achieved through ozone
therapy in considerably more cases than with traditional treatment (V.A.
Maximov et al).
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